
Dan Swan

From a figment of the imagination to a completed piece, unwilling to case myself in a single style, I combine different techniques and media to realise my work, offering a wide arrange of media and techniques to best adapt to the piece at hand or clients’ wishes. My works combine small and large marks and different media.
My works I describe as figurative with a hint of abstract. I like to stay in between the reality and the dream, leaving them “ traditionally ” unfinished, to involve the spectator in the process, making their minds complete the parts that are not there.
I paint because I need to. Through my life, art has been the only constant thing, the only passion that has been with me for as long as I can remember. I dawdle in different techniques and styles to explore everything that catches my eye as an interesting new string to my bow, evolving and growing, going as far as I possibly can. Strongly influenced by the classical education I received which I use as a basis; I always aim to add a twist to my works from any other interesting, more contemporary currents that I come across.

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